Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Klinische Chemie
Société Suisse de Chimie Clinique
Società Svizzera Chimica Clinica
Swiss Society of Clinical Chemistry

SSCC obsolete and terminated working groups

Obsolete and terminated Scientific Working Groups

DRG / Diagnostische Pfade Prof. Dr. Arnold von Eckardstein Terminated in December 2017

Description and activities of the terminated SSCC scientific working groups

DRG / Diagnostische Pfade

Arnold von Eckardstein (chair), Tiziano Balmelli, Daniela Buhl, Willi Conrad, Andreas Huber, Wolfgang Korte, Jürgen Muser, Brigitte Walz
With the 2nd revision of the Swiss KVG in 2007, the reimbursement of hospital treatments was announced to be put on a new basis by applying the DRG system in Switzerland from 2012.
In 2009 the Swiss Society of Clinical Chemistry (SGKC) founded a working group DRG intending to prepare laboratories to work under conditions of DRG financing in the hospitals. The members of the working group DRG decided to develop diagnostic pathways for the detection and differentiation of clinical questions. Based on existing recommendations these pathways should be structured to be used as a basis for implementation into hospital and laboratory information systems in the future.
Regular meetings of the working group take place to discuss and summarize the experience of the group members as well as to guarantee an “unité de doctrine” between the different Swiss laboratory centres involved in the establishment of the pathways. Decision was made to ask experienced clinicians (e.g. from the corresponding scientific societies) to give input to the pathways under development. The first diagnostic pathways concerning renal diseases were published in 2011. Further pathways are in process.