Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Klinische Chemie
Société Suisse de Chimie Clinique
Società Svizzera Chimica Clinica
Swiss Society of Clinical Chemistry

About the SSCC

The Swiss Society for Clinical Chemistry aims to promote the welfare of patients through rapid, economical and high quality laboratory medicine, through competent medical counselling, and through clinically oriented research.

In particular, the SSCC focuses its efforts in promoting :
  • Research and development in the area of laboratory medicine that supports the prevention, diagnosis, follow up, and therapy of diseases;
  • Education of the next generation of professionals in laboratory medicine by providing further education programs in laboratory medicine and by organizing national and international scientific conferences;
  • Collaboration between practitioners, pharmacists and other scientists sharing interests in Clinical Chemistry.
The SSCC is very much active in the laboratory medicine domain as a scientific organisation. The expertise and competence of its members are recognised. Activities of the committee and the scientific commission include:
  • The organisation of scientific and technical events covering the domain of clinical chemistry;
  • Establishment of expertise and recommendation documents for standardized and reference methods, including quality assurance measures;
  • Establish regulatory elements and provides courses for the training of laboratory technicians and laboratory heads;
  • Promotion of fruitful collaborations between members, sibling societies and international organisations.

The SSCC was founded in 1957. Elements of its history can be found in the History page.